Plastecomilano has taken another innovative step in the field of coverages for tensile structures: in October 2019 Plastecomilano designed and successfully installed the first triple membrane coverage in ITALY with high insulation.
The main objective of this new technology is to obtain a U-value close to 1.5 (Internal heat dispersion) significantly lowering the data of 2.6 of the double membrane (Certified by the MASINI analysis laboratory).
Furthermore, this solution was designed by us in order to significantly reduce the sound reverberation both inside the structure and outside it, improving the neighborhood relationship.
Before this substantial technical improvement, the neighboring houses complained of a continuous noise disturbance during the basketball games that take place every day in the gym covered by us.
Unlike other manufacturers, the new technology introduced by Plasteco Milano consists of welding all three membranes in a single solution, saving on construction and installation costs.
Note the two gaps between the sheets are thus adequately inflated by forcibly introducing hot air through centrifugal motors which suck the atmosphere from inside the gym and convey it towards the inside of the membranes.
As always Plasteco Milano is concerned with designing new lines in the PVC covering sector, constantly improving the guiding standards that characterize the air supported structures and tensile structures.