
Revision of Tensile Structures

20 May 2020
Revision of Tensile Structures

Plastecomilano has always been committed to the care of tensile structures, our company is frequently commissioned to complex checks. The company structure of Plastecomilano can offer its customers a wide range of monitoring interventions that can vary from structural check through an engineering report, tensioning of edge ropes and bracing stays, tightening of bolts with the aid of torque wrenches, removal of metal oxidation with subsequent application of protective paints or the complete replacement of deteriorated parts in metal or wood. The experience and expertise in the particular world oftensile structures and air supported structures makes Plastecomilano capable of fulfilling any role assigned to it by the customer. These interventions can be planned for small and large structures, not only related to the world of sport.
This type of service is strictly recommended for those who, like us, care about the structure’s life as well as the safety linked to it.

manutenzione tensostruttura