Operational advice by Plastecomilano
- The disassembly operation must always be done on days without humidity, rain or wind)
- The membrane is protected by anti-mold chemical agents, however it is advisable to dry it as much as possible before starting the folding operations.
- The machineries must be suitably protected and lubricated and the batteries put under maintenance charge.
- Clear the area covered by the airdome from any obstacle.

- Cover the bottom with a protective film supplied by Plasteco Milano in order to preserve the color of the air supported structure over the years.
- Stop the the fans’ functionning

- Begin to loosen the straps that lock the bellows membrane to the tunnel
- Before the sheet deflates definitively, unplug the cables and electrical lighting equipment.
- Start from one corner of the Air supported structure to remove the anchoring tubes.
- Clean the lower part of the shed from any presence of mud or humidity.
- Roll up the Air supported structure lengthwise or widthwise taking care to mark the position of the ventilation openings and inlets to facilitate subsequent assembly.
- Arrange the sheet on the trolleys with swivel wheels supplied by Plastecomilano and place everything directly in a dry place not exposed to sunlight.
You are now ready to enjoy outdoor games!